Thursday, January 24, 2008


Is It Really A Scam

Everyone is trying to make money on line these days and it shocks me to see how much the word scam is used. Oh sure there are a lot of scams out there but not as many as people claim. Personally I think all the scam artists should be caught and shut down. We live in a society of fast money, fast cars, but no effort. In this excerpt I would like to make a claim as to why I think people fail to make money on the internet.

1. First of all if you are gullible to think that you can make 100 000 dollars by the end of the month or add your name to something, sit back and wait and the money will come flooding in then Im sorry to say but you deserve the scam. In your day job can you just sit back, do nothing and earn a pay check? I dont think so. You wouldnt last to the end of the week. I fell for these to.

2. The internet is a great place to make more money than you have ever earned but come on people we have to use common sense. Im sorry but people are so quick to blame everyone else but they refuse to take any of the blame themselves. If you are not willing to put in the effort then you shouldnt be thinking about internet income.

3. At a real job you have to work hard to get to the next rung. On an internet job you have to work hard to get to the next rung. At a real job you have to work hard for pay raises. On line you have to work hard for pay raises. At a real job the rungs run out on the ladder. On line the rungs go on forever. At your day job you have very little control over your income. On line you have almost all the control on how much you make.

4. Internet work has been given a bad rap. Ignorance is not an excuse. We have to make our own decisions. Millions and millions of people are making money on line because they decided it was time to take their lives into their own hands.

I too was scammed many times but I dont blame anyone but myself. There are so many good sites out there but we have to be willing to do the work. I know lots of people out there that make a great living working on the internet. However they dont let up. When they are working they are working 14 hours a day to keep their programs running. Eventually once your established you can cut back and enjoy life some more. So for those of you who think youre going to sign up to something and be rich overnight then maybe you should think twice. Working on line isnt a lottery ticket. There is no doubt that the results can be a lot like a lottery ticket but you will have to wait a bit. So I want people to think before they say scam. I want you to look at yourself first. Did you really put in the effort or is this the easy way to justify to your friends and family why you failed.

Thanks Dale

Dale Mazurek is a professional affiliate marketer who has come from getting scammed throughout the years to becoming very successful at what he does. You can see his program at He has also started two interactive blogs that can be viewed at or Blog32697
Esmeralda Blog59115

Quality Link Building Play A Vital Role When Comes Higher Search Engine Rankings

Quality link building play a vital role when comes higher search engine rankings

What is link building?

Link building is the process of increasing link popularity and search engine exposure through many channels including, Link Exchanges, Directory Submission, Newsletters and many more.

There are three types of link building

1. Link Exchanges
2. One Way Link Building
3. Three Way Link Building

The most popular and cost effective link building technique is exchanging links with different and theme related websites. One way link building is very costly which is usually obtained through paid inclusions. Three ways link building involves lots of work and is time consuming process in which there will be three domain names which will participate to get one way link to each other.

Search Engine Rankings usually improves with one way links and its more effective than link exchanges as there wont be links going out from the website and hence the credibility of website does not decrease. Link exchanges are not much effective when compared to one way but plays a vital role and usually they are permanent links, and cost effective because of that its more popular than any other link building techniques.

I prefer Link Exchanges when compared to other link building techniques off course when its done with quality and effectiveness. I will tell you how it should be done.

Few Guidelines for Reciprocal Link Building:

1. The link partner website should be theme related
2. The links coming from websites should have been online for sometime.
3. If the website has good popularity than its perfect. Popularity is now days judged by Page Rank Technique of Google.
4. The link partner website should not be banned by search engines.
5. Link backs to our websites should not come from more than 3 clicks away.

I have applied all these techniques when I was doing search engine optimization for my websites and and received huge amount of traffic and search engine rankings which obviously improved my leads and sale generations.

I prefer doing professional Link building and quality link building within the guidelines of search engines which can fetch me high search engine positioning and obtain a prominent placements.

If you are going to start a link building campaign follow the tips when I have mention and you will get astonishing results. The link building process is simple and cost effective which can reduce your costs on PPC and other promotional methods to get traffic as a result you save huge amount of money.

Hello I am Jeni Dalton working as a Seo and do search engine optimization. I have an experience of more than 3 years in Seo field for content writing and Seo Visit My Company website: and http://www.tshirtcrib.comFidelity Blog94348
Freddy Blog82102

Making Money On The Net, Really?

Throughout the web, you will find hundreds of business opportunities. From selling coffee to selling cars, you'll find hundreds of things that you have the opportunity to get into to make money. Yet, it is sad to report to you that on average, 70% of all new home based businesses will fail within the first three years that they are out there. Now, before you get discouraged, realize that they do this because of several reasons.

1. They are poorly executed, by individuals that are looking for a get rich quick scheme and realize that, well; it takes work to make money.

2. They are scams that were un-researched, poorly designed or just plain old dumb to start with.

3. The individuals that got into them didn't have the income to put into the business to make the business work.

With that said, there are some excellent things that you can do to actually make an income from home. You will likely need to invest something in it (you don't get something for nothing!) and you'll have to invest time in making it work well.

Here are some things that you can do in brief.

Affiliate Marketing

This is an easy to understand concept. You'll design a website that is geared at selling someone else's product. You get a cut for the sales that are made because someone that came to your website makes a purchase. Often, you get a kickback even if they just visit the site. This is one of many programs that you can usually do together to make even more money. In other words, pair it up with other business opportunities and you are sure to see some profit.

Selling Readymade Products

For those that are looking to sell a product that someone else has made, check out these. Often, these are sold by the development of a website that promotes the product. Things like digitalized products or software are very hot sellers. People come to your website to learn about the product and you sell it to them or provide a link to where they can purchase it. In most cases, you get a commission like payment for doing this.

Think you can't just sell products online anymore? You can. In fact, you'll even be able to find products that are below cost and sell them with a good mark up as well.

Writing And Selling Ebooks

People come to the internet to get information. Why not sell it to them? If you have knowledge (or can get it) about a topic that others want to learn about, you can easily tap into this business market. All you need to do is to write an ebook (or have it written by a professional) and market it. This can be done through eBay or through hundreds of other methods.

Joint Venture

You can often team up your sales with others that are selling the same or similar products. By working together, you can hit a larger amount of people and pull in more sales. A joint venture usually splits the commission made as well as the cost of doing business.


Are you able to teach an individual something? If so, then you should write up an ecourse. This is simply a series of emails, of website information or any other medium that is used to teach or coach an individual. You simply provide information they want and they pay you to do it.


If you are a good speaker and have information to sell (or that you can obtain) then teleseminars are the way to go. You simply provide a conference call where individuals can call in and listen to what you are teaching them. Of course, they paid you first.

Public Domain Products

Little did you know that you could use material that is labeled as public domain to help enhance your business. Team this up with other types of marketing and you are sure to sell your product.

Directory or Review Websites

By creating websites where individuals go to receive a product or service, you are opening the door to making profits. Team this up with things like affiliate marketing and Google Adsense and you'll see an income.

Membership Sites

Develop a membership of individuals that are looking for your products or information. They will pay you monthly to use your service.


One of the fastest growing ways of marketing on the web, you simply put together an online form of a magazine or newspaper and sell it. You can also give it away free and fill it with ads to your products or website campaign.


Learn how to make money on eBay one of the world's largest auction websites. You can make an income, not just a few dollars if you develop a campaign to do so.


Blogs work well on websites. By providing information there about your products or attracting individuals back to your blog, you can promote the products on your website easier.

Google Adsense

Normally individuals pair up Google Adsense with other marketing campaigns to sell their products. This is a way of getting a few extra profits when individuals visit ads that are on your website.


In the digital age, people are looking to stay connected all the time. With podcasting, you can sell your product or service or you can actually build a casting such as a radio show that goes out around the world.

Amazon Book Reseller

If you have books lying around your house that you would like to get rid of, you can become listed on Amazon as a reseller. Unlike eBay this is not an auction site. It's a great way to sell books that you don't need. (You can also find free or really cheap ones to sell if you don't have any!)

Opinion Panels

Why not take a few surveys and make money? There are many survey websites on the web that do actually pay you a good deal of money to take them. Once you find them, its easy sailing here.


Making money online can happen. You have to make the right decision about doing so though. You'll need to find the business that fits into your life and your needs. Then, you'll need to learn how to do the business, what it takes and the tricks of the trade. If you can learn this, you can buy it to learn throughout the web. From a little stream to a full time income, the internet is full of ways you can make money.

Keith Lee is a motivational speaker, a life coach and a fitness instructor for the past 10 yeras. He study and did research on the Internet Marketing Industry for years. Go to his webiste for some superb tips.Filide Blog76677
Faith Blog31884

What To Know About Pay Per Click Search Engine Advertising in Your Google Adwords Campaign

If you are one of those people that has not had any luck with your pay per click search engine advertising, chances are you are not building your keyword advertising lists correctly. In order to get the most from google adwords, you have to know what keywords are going to work best for your field and what keywords are going to generate the most traffic. With these tips you will find your google adwords campaign will be made easy.

The first step to making a keyword list is to write down your targeted traffic and keywords you think suit them best. One of the easiest ways to do this is to think about how you would search for your product in the search engines. If you search for your product with these keywords, chances are hundreds of thousands of other people are doing the same thing.

Profitable keywords for your pay per click search engine advertising campaign can be found using the overture keyword suggestion tool. This will allow you to find what keywords are being searched the most, which will help you generate more traffic to your website. Place the top few keywords that you find in your titles of articles and blog posts, along with the first few sentences of the content on your website. The more you place the top keywords or targeted keywords on your website, the better chance you will have of climbing higher on the search engines.

Another great thing with a keyword suggestion tool like Overture is that you can find a large list of profitable keywords. This will allow you to build a list of multiple ways people are searching for the same product. If you can target multiple keywords, you will be able to have several lists on many of your pages. The more keywords you place on your website, the better chance you have to make money from it. If you can target several keywords as oppose to one or two you can cut down on repetition.

When you are choosing keywords, try and be as specific as possible. If you want to generate any kind of traffic that is specific to your site, you want to stay away from vague and basic keywords. By selecting specific keywords it lowers the competition you will face for the keyword and lower the cost per click you will be spending. By having specific keywords you will assure yourself that your keywords bring in qualified traffic that is worth your time.

There are multiple ways to make your pay per click search engine advertising campaigns made easy and specifying your keyword list is just the start. While there are many things you can do to get the most out of your keyword lists, finding the most specific and cost efficient keywords using a keyword suggestion tool is one of the best things you can do. After creating a list, you will be on your way to making money in no time.

Leonard Bartholomew, B.S. Computer Science. My SEO help site will assist you in finding the most profitable keywords. Find tips, tools, products and more about pay per click search engine advertising at Blog56824
Freddi Blog66663

Marketing Your Website

Your new website is up and running, it's time to inform the purchasing public. Marketing a web-based business is just as important as marketing a brick-and-mortar business. Even though a marketing plan is probably one of the most important elements of successful business, it is usually the least thought of aspect of any new business. Formulate a strategic marketing plan. A properly instituted marketing plan gives your website an acceptance level far above the average website by providing a rational direction for your marketing activities.

Creating a good marketing plan is the best thing that you can do to help assure a new web based business's growth. Your marketing plan should be your guide on which you base your marketing decisions and it will help to ensure that everyone involved in marketing your website works toward the same goals. Optimally, a marketing plan and it's budget should cover promotion and advertising for 6-12 months.

Don't forget to include in your plan budget a sizable allotment for market research. What you know about your target market and the information gleaned from marketing research will give you the basis for your marketing strategy. Research is the only way you will know what is necessary to design your marketing plan to reach the 25-30% of your website customers that are not brought to your site by search engines and directories. The plan should lay the groundwork for campaigns that will encourage customers to place an order, or to take some kind of action, that will allow you to respond.

When drawing up your marketing plan, think about where you want your business to be in three years and how you plan to get there. Marketing your web-based business is a never-ending task. Once you have your information and your marketing plan in place, you must continuously revisit, revise, refine and revamp it to accommodate changes in your marketplace.

With an internet marketing plan in place you have a consider strategy to outmaneuver your competition by capitalizing on their weakness and emphasize your web-based business's strengths. By increasing market awareness of the offerings of your website, you acquire new customers.

Matt Kuren is a successful Internet Marketer. Visit his website and subscribe for a free 7 weeks ecourse on how to make money online and learn how to start your own "work from home internet busines"s.Fidela Blog11842
Vitia Blog9329

4 Steps To Making Easy Daily Cash A Reality

There are a lot of people online who are trying to make money from the Internet. Anyone can have a home business of his or her own. However, making money is not as easy as a lot of people make it sound. There are certain things that you need to do in order to make easy daily cash. What are these steps that you need to know to make this a reality in your life?

First, you need to find a business opportunity that other people will want to join. It must have great products or services. The program must be something that a lot of people will want to join and start their own home business. You also need to make sure that the company behind this opportunity knows what they are doing. Here is where step two comes in.

Second, you need to find someone who is already earning easy daily cash in his or her business who can then mentor you. The person or company that you start your business with needs to have a marketing system in place that is easily duplicated by everyone who joins the business or there will be no point in trying to make your business a success. They also need to know how to train you to make the kind of money that they are.

Third, one important thing that is always overlooked by a lot of people who are trying to make money online is that you need to set up lead capture pages. When you are not capturing other peoples information you are leaving a lot of prospects and money on the table. Most people have to see an opportunity 4-7 times before they will sign up for it. By capturing their information you will be able to get them looking at your opportunity for as long as it takes them to decide to join.

Fourth, one other thing that you need to remember is to treat your business as a business and not a hobby. By treating it as the business that it is you will be setting yourself up for success. By treating it as a hobby you will be just playing around with making a little bit of money but not the daily cash that you are wanting. So take your business seriously and treat it as such.

These are four easy steps that you need to follow if you are going to make easy daily cash online. It can be done if you learn how to do it the correct way. You can have your dream of earning daily cash and finally having the financial freedom that you have always dreamed of.

Summary: Is it possible to make easy daily cash online with your own home business? Yes it is definitely possible. There are a lot of people online who are doing this on a daily basis. You just have to learn how to do it correctly.

John Spohr, MSM is a 27-year veteran of the Computer industry specializing in Internet marketing. Evita Blog50269
Victoria Blog11542

Tips On Promoting Your Website

Consider using radio advertising for your site. You can start by recording an advertisement to play in late night slots, which are cheaper than commercials during the day. Contact local stations and as them for a price estimate for the cheapest times. Once you have developed a commercial that converts well, make an attempt to advertise in different time slots.

Participate in some sort of group give away event. These usually take place right before Holidays, such as Christmas. If you don't see any being formed, you may want to contact other people in your niche to see if they are interested in pooling products to create a massive giveaway, so that you can all can some benefit while giving a big present to your current and future customers.

Do not always rely on Internet-based methods of promoting your website. While they're more comfortable and consistent with your everyday promotional methods, they wont always be more effective than other forms of media, especially since there is less website competition in other forms of media.

Consider advertising your newsletter through co-reg or co-registration programs. These registration programs will add you as a box someone can check off when they are registering for a different newsletter. In many cases, you can purchase double opt-in leads for your newsletter for as little as 50 cents using these programs.

Don't forget to have time for other people when marketing your product or service. Your best allies will always be those people with whom you have the closest relationships. So start making friends within your niche and in industries related to your niche. Be genuine, sincere, and giving and expect nothing in return.

Find a person who has an interest in your business's niche. Offer weekly compensation for posting useful comments on blogs and including a signature file that points back to your website. Not only will this improve your search engine rankings, but it will also drive traffic to your site especially if the comments are on target and useful.

Create an affiliate program and find partners to help promote your product. One easy way to setup and administer an affiliate program is through Clickbank, which handles all of the checks and data recording for you. Other excellent affiliate program services include Sale Flurry, and 2 Check Out.

Consider purchasing some form of cost per action advertising. This form of advertising only charges you when someone takes a specific action, such as opting-in or purchasing a product from your sales page. This is one of the better forms of advertising, since it virtually guarantees a return on your investment.

Gaetane Ross has trhoroughly researched the internet to locate the best High Income Business Opportunities that will enable you to start making money from your own home.Evonne Blog93947
Valene Blog48129

Stack the Deck in Your Favor Find the Right Web Host

Stacking the deck refers to prearranging the cards in the deck so the best cards are dealt to you so you can win the hand. In the Old Wild West, you would be shot if you were caught doing it. On the Internet it is legal and you should stack the deck in your favor.

Stacking the deck refers to prearranging the cards in the deck so the best cards are dealt to you so you can win the hand. In games of chance such as cards this is illegal. In the Old Wild West, you would be shot if you were caught doing it.

Business is somewhat like a game of chance. To some extent, statistics govern your chances for success. If you have a good location on a busy street, traffic statistics indicate that your business will be exposed to enough potential customers to get your market share of the customers which will generate the necessary sales. This is stacking the deck.

If you are well capitalized, capitalization statistics say that you will probably have enough money to last through the first few business years when you usually lose money. This is stacking the deck.

In business, there is no law against stacking the deck in your favor. It is called prior planning and preparation.

When you start a business on the Internet, you really need to stack the deck in your favor (plan well) since statistics say that over 90 percent of online home businesses fail.

How can you stack the deck in your favor?

By finding a web host that provides you with the correct tools and a plan for implementation that:

* Leads you through the market research to find that ideal niche market in which you can make money.

* Assists you in finding the right name for your website and helps make certain that is does no infringe on a trademark.

* Helps you build your site with simple fill in the blanks procedures so you do not have to be a technical genius (Point and click page building).

* Automatically performs the mundane, background tasks to make your site rank high on the search engines.

* Automatically provides you with a blog.

* Hosts an active, dedicated user group that exchanges ideas on forums to help each other solve common problems.

* Provides all the other standard services (email, traffic stats, etc.).

For more information about a web host that will help you stack the deck, watch SBI Television at

Remember, stacking the deck in business is legal. If you are going to succeed, you should find any legal way to stack your deck.

Copyright 2007 John Howe, Inc.

John V. W. Howe is an entrepreneur, author, inventor, patent holder, husband, father, and grandfather. He has worked with computers for over 44 years. He is an expert in website creation and web hosting. He has published over 60 articles on the Internet covering diverse topics. His website helps people analyze their needs and match those needs to the best web host. He also publishes an ezine for Internet entrepreneurs.Ethel Blog63132
Veda Blog50160

Website Promotion Online Is A Sure Shot Success Method

How many eyeballs does your website grab in a day? Dont know? Well it is about time for you to find this out and determine your actual levels of visibility on the web. The more visible it is, the more the public will talk about this. Your website promotion online depends on how visible you can be on the web. The web has a very wide reach and thus if your website promotion online is good you will reach out to people in all corners of the globe. So after the promotion you can have global customers buying your goods and services.

Ranking high and very high in relevant keywords in all major search engines is what the special emphasis of website promotion online is all about. Some of the major search engines on which you must get top ranking while doing website promotion online for your business site are Google, Yahoo, AOL, Lycos, MSN and Ask. There are many rules and methods that you can implement for making your site top ranked in the major search engines.

Write a page title for the different pages for your website. The page title of your site must describe clearly what a particular page is all about. This is helpful when major search engines index your webpage. Use all the appropriate and relevant keywords related to the goods and services you are offering. Do not use just the name of your company on the page title. Avoid using those keywords that you do not have on the web page as this can affect your rankings.

Link building your website with other related and relevant sites is another important factor that you can do for website promotion online for your business. Link building helps you in generating traffic to your site and tremendously boosts up your visibility everywhere on the web. Try building and exchanging the links of your site with sites that have high page ranks and are very popular on the web among online users. This means that the popularity and visibility of your site also increases tremendously. Search engine rankings are also affected by this. So, take care of this factor while you are building links for your site.

Writing articles relevant to your site and the products you are selling is one good way to increase your visibility on the web. Articles are a great source to attract traffic and customers to your site. Submit your articles to all major article sites on the web. Try to make use of only one author name for all the articles so that the name of the author becomes a well known brand in the internet. So the next time people see an article written by this author they automatically tend to believe that the article is good and thus you can get valuable customers for your goods and services.

Pay per click advertising is one good way for website promotion online for any business site. Pay per click is an advertising method that makes use of relevant and the most appropriate keywords for advertising about your goods. If you undertake pay per click successfully, your site will be displayed at the top of sponsored listings of search engines. It has been found that being listed at the top of the sponsored listings guarantees to bring customers to your online business site.

Steve Waganer has specialization in Web Marketing. He is expert in Search engine optimization, Affiliated Marketing,website promotion online and Organic search engine optimization.To get his expert advice for your website to get high rank and top position in major search engines visit Blog98061
Fortune Blog64042

Nursing School Rankings

The US News & World Report and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Report on Research Funding conduct nursing school rankings to measure the status of quality of different nursing schools nationwide. Various factors affect how nursing school rankings are determined but it all serves the purpose of providing more information to anyone in search of a nursing school.

As you evaluate different leaning institutions for your nursing education, nursing school rankings should supplement your own research. First, determine which specific nursing program you wish to enter and then based on that look at nursing schools in your chosen location that offer that specific program. You can use nursing school rankings to find out the areas of strength of a particular school and if it matches your interest and needs.

In general, organizations determine nursing school rankings by gathering data through surveys that are prepared by professors and other scholars. Survey respondents can be present or past students or administrators and other high-ranking staff members of the nursing school. The survey contains both objective and subjective questions, and a complex method is used to process the answers. The statistics of the school are also one of the factors used to determine nursing school rankings.

For instance, the US News & World Report evaluates NLNAC (National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission) accredited nursing schools and their programs by surveying deans and other faculty staff members of each nursing school. The respondents will review and grade other schools based on a set of criteria. Some of the factors that affect nurse school rankings are student-to-faculty ratios, rate of job placement after graduation and etcetera.

Nursing school rankings from the National Institutes of Health focus on the overall amount of grant funding received by the research programs of individual nursing schools. Research institutions and those who would like to pursue research work consider NIH rankings to be strong indicators of outstanding research programs.

Nursing school rankings are just one tool to help you evaluate a nursing school. There are so many other factors to consider when choosing a school such as the quality of student life, cost, availability of financial assistance, board passing rates, affordable housing on or near campus, among others.

Be sure to look at the complete picture when making your decision. Get to know more about a certain nursing school by looking at the schools website, requesting for an information packet or going to the schools information session or open house.

Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of popular and comprehensive Nursing Education web site. For more articles and resources on Nursing related topics, Nursing Jobs, Nursing Schools, Nursing Education and much more visit his site at:Frayda Blog93500
Verine Blog92717

Use Self Belief To Shape Your Own Destiny

Of all the things that go towards shaping our destiny, it is our belief in our own abilities which has the greatest influence. Our level of self belief determines whether we succeed or fail to achieve our dreams and ambitions. As Henry Ford said "If you think you can, you're right. If you think you can't, you're right."

I was watching a program on the Biography Channel the other day which illustrated the truth of Henry Ford's words and highlighted the importance of self-belief. The subject of this program dropped out of the educational system without a degree, in fact, he quit school before he even reached college age and left school with woefully inadequate qualifications. The reason for this academic failure was a combination of dyslexia and general lack of interest in school work.

Sadly, the lack of academic achievement was accompanied by a complete lack of prowess on the sports field. To top it all off, as well as being a dunce and a sporting failure, the poor kid was not even good looking. He did not have rich parents to give him financial support . His parents were not business owners, so there was no chance of a career via nepotism. He had no obvious skills or talent, so a career as an artist or musician was not an option.

This sounded like the stereotypical beginning for a person who will at best survive by taking low-paid employment and, at worst, will drift into a life of crime as a way of snatching what he is incapable of earning. His school headmaster is credited with saying on his premature departure from the education system, I feel sure you will either end up in prison or become a millionaire'. To entertain the idea that this person had any prospect of becoming a millionaire, you would have to know his character. We can only see the external disadvantages, the headmaster was aware of the strength of character and depth of self belief existing within this person. That self-belief more than made up for any lack of education and academic qualifications.

One thing the prospective jailbird/millionaire had was the ability to spot a niche for a new business. No, this is not a story of luck bringing an instant rags to riches transformation. Unfortunately his first two business ventures failed miserably. Did this set him on a path of serial business failures? Not at all, the failures probably taught him valuable lessons. He started the first business at the age of seven, so the chances of real success were pretty remote! The fact that he had sufficient self-belief to start his first business before he even reached his teenage years gives us a clue as to his character.

The condensed version of the rest of this biography is that the "hero" of the story built a successful business before he reached his twenties, was a millionaire by the age of 25 and was the owner of a Caribbean island before he was thirty. He did not stop working then, he went on from flamboyant success to even bigger flamboyant success, setting records and achieving the apparently impossible.

The subject of the TV program was Sir Richard Branson who is, at the time of writing, a billionaire several times over. He has attributed his success to hard work, belief in his business ventures and a willingness to take risks. These risks have included the well publicised (and life threatening) hot-air balloon journeys, starting a business on borrowed capital and taking risks in business where the potential losses were huge.

It is self-belief which made it possible to take those risks. Without belief in himself, Richard Branson would not have dared to borrow the money to start his first business as a magazine publisher after leaving school. Without self-belief the balloon challenges would not have been contemplated. Without self-belief the ambition to own an airline would have remained just a dream.

"It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believe in myself". Those words were said by Muhammad Ali but they sum up the essence of what makes any person able to reach his goals in life. We must learn to sow and cultivate self-belief if we wish to achieve the harvest of our dreams.

For more about self motivation in business visit Elaine Currie's Work At Home Website: Find more information and articles at Blog62409
Francine Blog62579

Video Marketing For Free Traffic

Using video marketing to drive traffic to your web site is an online marketing strategy many small business owners and internet marketers are beginning to embrace, with much success. Having a traditional website only allows you to reach those people who first find your website. However, combining video, social networking and some simple video marketing techniques can drive hordes of qualified visitors to your website.

First, lets forget the silly videos youll find all over YouTube of kids running into fences and demonstrating the newest dance move. While that kind of video can bring in hundreds of thousands of views, it wont bring the targeted traffic you need.

Instead, consider making a video tightly targeted towards your niche. A real estate agent might make a video introducing herself and showcasing a few of her available homes for sale. A night club might make a video commercial with soundbites from partygoers. A software developer might make a video demonstrating his latest application.

Because Google and other search engines are beginning to give videos hosted on sites like YouTube preferential search engine ranking, its quite possible your video could end up on the first page of search results for your targeted keyphrase. This is incredibly powerful and not to be overlooked, as this is what will make your video marketing efforts well worth the time you invest in them.

Consider that YouTube itself may not have a huge market of people looking for videos on Oakland real estate. But if your video titled Oakland Real Estate made the first page of Google search results (again, due to the preferential search results video is receiving in the search engines) youd benefit from the hundreds of people who search for that term in Google seeing your video as the #1 result and ,in turn, watching your clip.

With the preferential treatment videos are receiving in search results, the question then becomes, How do I move people from watching my video on YouTube to actually visiting my website?

This is simple. Bribe them, at the end of your marketing video. What follows are some ideas:

* Offer them something for free at your site (a consultation, a report, free drink, demo version, MP3 download, etc.)

* Poll them or ask them a question they need visit your site to answer. People love to give their opinion. You can combine with the free offer, above, by giving them the freebie upon completion of the poll or question. This is invaluable for market research.

* Leave em hanging. Dont tell the whole story on your YouTube hosted video instead, tell them just enough to incite curiosity. Then, instruct them to visit your site for the complete story or answer.

Each of these ideas are intentionally broad can be focused indefinitely and molded to fit your target market.

The key here is catching your audience while theyre hot; directly after having watched our video and giving them a reason to continue on to your website. The truth is that if you dont, most will simply click through to another video or search result. Capitalize on their attention and tell them where to go and what to do next youll be surprised at how many will comply!

Even if youre no Spieldberg (I know Im not) you can produce traffic sucking videos with these simple methods.

Watch a movie on video marketing by Michelle MacPhearson at http://www.tubeinator.comFilide Blog76677
Fleur Blog77978

Design A Business Card That Will Generate Business

Here are a few tips on creating a business card that will generate business for you

A picture is worth a thousand words. Who would you hire to landscape your beautiful new home? Bobs Landscaping Company that has a black & white card or Bills Landscaping Company that has the picture of a nice landscaped garden that he created? A custom designed full color business card can help you beat the competition.

There is a lot to the psychology of color, color affects shopping habits. Impulse-shoppers respond to red-orange, black, and royal blue. Shoppers who plan to stick to budgets respond to pink, teal, light blue and navy. Traditionalists respond to pastels. Bolder brighter colors appeal to those with lower incomes. Higher incomes ore attracted by more subtle colors. These tips must be used when designing your full color business card.

Your business card must have a Unique Selling Proposition. Simply stated a Unique Selling Proposition differentiates you from your competition. If you dont have something different to offer, you better find something or save yourself a lot of aggravation and go work for your competition. It tells your prospects why they should do business with you versus the other guys. No, scratch that; it SCREAMS at your prospects why they MUST do business with you. Dont make it hard for someone to conduct business with you.

Use the back of your business card. If your paying a penny a square inch for the front and the back is only going to cost you 2/10 of a cent per square inch, isnt that a good investment? The back of your business card can be used in several ways. Entice your prospects to visit your business by placing an offer on the back. For example if you own a restaurant offer a free desert or appetizer. If you own an auto repair shop offer a free oil change. Be creative and stick out from your competition.

Print a memory hook on the back of your card. I know a distributor of air purification systems that prints We Have A Solution To Your Pollution on the back of his card. The phrase just begs you to ask him to explain it. A memory hook is a catchy phrase that will create enough interest that a person will ask questions. A memory hook also helps your prospect remember you.

Always hand your card to someone upside down. This will cause the person to turn the card over and read it, especially if you give them a reason such as a memory hook. How many times have you handed someone your business card and it barely gets a glance?

Your business card can double as a punch card. The restaurant can offer a free meal after purchasing ten meals or maybe movie tickets. Ask your local theater manager about some joint marketing efforts. The auto repair shop can offer a free oil change after purchasing ten or a free car wash. Again, a joint marketing possibility.

You are already paying for business cards, dont waste them and get the most bang for your marketing buck.

Mark Hannah is President of Full Color Resources, suppliers of custom designed full color business cards. Mark is also an authorized Duct Tape Marketing Coach and committed to the success of small businesses.Vin Blog26616
Veronica Blog31078

Ten Business Writing Blunders You Can Easily Avoid

Most of us are too busy worrying about what we are writing to think much about how we are writing it. However, in business communication, having command of a clear, readable style is essential to getting your point across.

Here are ten types of sentence blunders to avoid if you want your reader to get what you mean and not have to stumble through what you write.

1. Run-On Sentences. You know the ones: they drag on and on, packing a paragraph's worth of details into a single sentence. Short sentences are easier to understand than long ones; they provide information in bits and pieces instead of a flood. In most business writing, aim for an average sentence length of 20 or fewer words. Note that this is an average, not a ceiling-the best writing contains both long and short sentences to keep it interesting.

2. Pompous Sentences. Many business writers use a phrase or a whole clause when a well-chosen verb would be much clearer. They do so to try to make themselves appear more knowledgeable or articulate than they actually are. Do not fall prey to this error by using big words or trite expressions-keep your writing at the level of your reader.

3. Overloaded Sentences. Such sentences are bloated with excess words. The passive voice is a common culprit, adding unnecessarily to the word count. Redundancies are also to blame-verbose phrases can usually be replaced with one or two words, making your sentences concise and meaningful.

4. Undue Enthusiasm. An occasional intensifier lends emphasis, but using too many can ruin your writing and give the impression that you are not being genuine. Otherwise, you come across like the literary version of a game-show host-wear that grin too bright for too long, and it will lose its meaning.

5. Crowded-Together Sentences. Many writers tend to try to connect a series of related sentences with conjunctions such as "and" instead of ending each with a period. In many cases, these sentences can be improved and shortened by using only one subject.

6. Hedging Sentences. It is tempting to insert "it seems that" or "there appears to be" in your sentences in order to avoid stating a judgment as a fact. However, when you have too many such hedges, particularly in the same sentence, you are not really saying anything. More often than not, your reader will know what is fact and what is inference.

7. Slow Starters. Starting a sentence with "it is" or "there are" simply delays getting to your point. Compare: "It would be appreciated if you could send the files immediately," versus "Please send the files immediately."

8. Nonparallel Sentences. Two or more similar (parallel) ideas should be presented in the same pattern, whether within sentences or between sentences. Lack of parallelism creates an awkward style. For example, the clauses in this sentence are not parallel: "Mr. Reynolds dictated the letter and next he signed it, and left the office." Compare that to this: "Mr. Reynolds dictated the letter, signed it, and left the office."

9. Awkward Pointers. To save words, business writers will often point readers' attention backward with expressions like "as mentioned above," "the aforementioned," "the former," "the latter," and so on. Doing so is a distraction to the reader and is usually unnecessary. If a reference does need to be made, it is better to name or restate the specific thing to which you are referring.

10. Misassembled Sentences. A misassembled sentence is one in which an element is in the wrong place. The most common misplacement is at the beginning of the sentence, creating a "dangling modifier." Take this awkward example: "Walking to the office, a red sports car passed him." Moving the modifier is an easy solution here: "A red sports car passed him while he was walking to the office."

Courtland L. Bovee, one of America's leading instructors in clear and effective communication, co-authors several leading college-level texts with John V. Thill, a prominent communications consultant and current Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Global Communication Strategies. Their website, Business Communication Headline News, the #1 business communication site on the web, is at http://www.businesscommunicationheadlinenews.comFarrah Blog80922
Francine Blog62579

Six Great Reasons to Start a Business From Home

Working from home is a wonderful opportunity which many individuals take advantage of these days. Personal reasons and professional reasons are largely the way in which a business from home gets started. Every day individuals are leaving their 9 to 5 office jobs to embark on work at home ventures. With all of the beneficial factors that are associated with home business, it is no wonder that individuals are intrigued and interested in these types of jobs. One will find that the positive attributes of working at home make home-based businesses quite popular. Whatever ones type of business might consist of, there are many great reasons to start a business from home.

1. Ability to Work and Care for the Children

The home business arena is booming for many reasons, but one of the most often cited reasons to start a business from home is so that one or both parents can stay at home with the children while earning an income at the same time. Some individuals shy away from day care facilities, as they would like the best of both worlds by working and caring for their children at the same time. The ability to work and care for the children at home is a highly desirable factor associated with owning a home business. Many home-based businesses make this possible by allowing the parent to be in the house with their children and pay the bills as well.

2. Cut Down Costs

An additional factor which individuals should keep in mind when they are interested in starting a home business is that they will have to pay some extra costs associated with their business expenses. When an individual works outside of the home, they usually have to pay for certain items such as gas for the travel to and from work, tolls and lunches. If you own a business outside of the home, the costs are always increasing. By having a business at home you are able to cut down the extra costs that you would have when working at an office outside of the house, and since you are already paying utility bills anyway, this also will reduce the overhead costs even more.

3. Convenience

The convenience factor is also readily visible in the home business sector. One will surely appreciate the fact that they have no commute which they have to deal with at the beginning and end of the workday. When one starts a business from home and has a home office they will not have to worry about commuting and dealing with all of the headaches and hassles that go along with such a thing like high gas prices, traffic and wear and tear on the automobile. The convenience of working from home is an extremely attractive quality.

4. Time Efficient Priority

If one chooses to start a business from home, they will also find that it is a time efficient alternative to the usual work environment. Not only will the individual save time on the work commute but they will also find that they can eat lunch at home which saves more time by not having to go out to find a meal during the day.

5. Casual Dress Environment

If one has had to wear suits to work each and every day in the past when they worked for a company or corporation, they are sure to appreciate the desire for a casual environment which they can obtain by working from home. Depending on the business one undertakes from home, they might just be able to go to work in jeans and a t-shirt. This is especially true if the venture is one which deals mainly with a technological aspect such as owning websites.

6. Are Able To Work Around the Clock If Needed

One last great reason to start a business from home is that it enables the business owner to work around the clock if they so desire. For example, should the business owner need to finish up some paperwork after dinner, all he/she will need to do is to walk over to their home office and take care of the issue. The 24-hour availability of the business from home provides convenience for the business owner.

In Conclusion

If one is looking to start a work at home business, it is important to consider all of the beneficial factors relating to working from home. By reviewing the factors listed above, one is sure to appreciate the option of working from home even more.

This article may be reproduced as long as everything remains intact. Copyright 2006 Allen Cuzzone

Allen Cuzzone helps small home business owners attract prospects to grow their businesses and be more successful. http://allencuzzone.payitforward4profits.comEster Blog6901
Evanne Blog84022

The Top 10 Ultra-Low Risk Marketing Methods Guaranteed to Squeeze More Profit Out of Your Business

There are many things you can do to cut your costs and lower the risk when you market your business. Your marketing doesn't have to be the bottomless pit of your hard earned money that its so often thought of. Your marketing should give you a return on your investment. Follow these top 10 tips and start increasing your bottom line today.

1. Use Only Direct Marketing

Cost: Cost of Direct Marketing Education, Upside Potential: Unlimited

Direct marketing is marketing that is testable and therefore accountable for your money. Put a code on all your ads, coupons etc. so that you know where they come from and can measure the response. Then you can use spreadsheets to calculate exactly what you need to be profitable. Its vital to crunch the numbers to see if a particular marketing idea you have makes business sense.

2. Find a Product That Fits the Market

Cost: Cost of product/service development, Upside Potential: Unlimited

95% of people out there develop the product first then find a market for it. Thats a lot of wasted time and effort. Take the road less traveled and look for different ways to market something thats already hot drastically reducing your risk of failure.

3. Test Everything

Cost: Marginal, Upside Potential: Unlimited

Now that you are using direct marketing, test everything. Test your offers, headlines (of your ads), messages, lists, mediums (newspapers, magazines, internet etc.). Most marketing is a few words away from being profitable and you will never know that unless you test.

4. Use Google Ad-words and the Internet.

Cost: Marginal (with daily budget), Upside Potential: Unlimited

Never before in the history of marketing has there ever been a more low-cost, low-risk and accurate way to test your marketing message. You can test different advertisements, different keywords, different web pages and different locations. You can sit in your office in Iceland and test your advertisement in a four block radius around Trump World Tower in Manhattan.

5. Change the Way you Speak and Write,

Cost: Free, Upside Potential: Unlimited

Words offer the highest leverage possible. One word, cost creates a negative emotion in your prospects mind as they think of their hard earned money leaving their pocket. Change the word to invest and they now think that they can earn more money from the money they give you. Look over the words you use in your business (ads, sales, flyers etc.) to see if they may cause negative emotions in your customers

6. Optimize Your Referral Program

Cost: Marginal, Upside Potential: Unlimited

Referral programs are your highest leverage marketing system out there. Take the time to put in an actual program and not wait until your clients think about it. Of course, that all presupposes that you under promise and over deliver....that always gets them telling their neighbours about you.

7. Upsell and Crossell

Cost: Free, Upside Potential: Upto 50% more sales

Earn 10%-40% more on average with these handy devices. Some people, when they have made the commitment to buy, will buy more when reminded that they can. Dont be pushy about it. Check out, they are relentless with up sells and cross sells. Try to buy a domain and get your way to the end without spending another dime...just try it...

8. Use Bounce Backs

Cost: cost of paper and ink, Upside Potential: Upto 50% more sales

With every purchase or order, include an offering for another product/service. You have already spent the money on the shipment or transaction. This is another form of low-pressure upsells /cross sells but costs you only the cost of the paper and ink you used.

9. Use Sunk Costs More Creatively

Cost: Free, Upside Potential: Limitless

Do you have a voicemail system? Why play music, when you can give educational messages (that are interesting) about your products/services? Do you have invoices? Write some text about referrals or specials of the day. Do you have slow times? Hold a tele-seminar or actual seminar to educate and attract more business.

10. Increase Your Prices

Cost: Free, Upside Potential: Whatever you set your new price to be

Last but not least...The simplest method of them all. Increase your prices! Lots of businesses I talk to are afraid to do this and they wont do it. You dont have to increase them 200% (even though I know a case where a retailer did this and they did actually sell out their entire stock), but just do it 2-5% on select items. No one will notice. And thats all profit for you. You are doing a disservice to your own bottom line by not charging what the market will bear. You would be surprised to learn how much people would value something. And if they dont like the increase, try adding some educational information tool with you are justified.

Paul Speziale is a direct marketing consultant / entrepreneur based out of Toronto, Ontario. He has served all industries from manufacturers to retailers, from entrepreneurs to professionals. Besides helping clients, he is working on his own projects. He also volunteers his time for several worthy causes both local and global. You can reach him at: Growing Your Business Through Low-Risk, Optimized and Results Based Marketing.Valry Blog68250
Evita Blog10111

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Search Engine Optimization

The term SEO also refers to search engine optimization. We can break down methods used for SEO into two categories; white hat and black hat.

White hats say that black hat methods are an attempt to manipulate search rankings unfairly. Black hats counter that all SEO is an attempt to manipulate rankings, and that the particular methods one uses to rank well are irrelevant.

Search engines display different kinds of results on search engine results pages (SERPs), including: pay per click, paid inclusion, and organic search results. SEO is primarily concerned with advancing the goals of a website by improving the number and position of its organic search results for a wide variety of relevant keywords. SEO strategies strive to increase both the number and quality of visitors. Search engine optimization is sometimes offered as a stand-alone service, or as a part of a larger marketing effort and is often more effective when incorporated into the initial development and design of a website.

For competitive, high-volume search terms, the cost of pay per click advertising can be very high. Not only is the cost high, but the quality of traffic is not as good as the organic search engine traffic. The reason for this is that people that have been on the Internet for more than a short period of time know not to trust the pay per click websites as much as the organic websites. It does not take long for someone to realize the pay per click websites always have a sales pitch.

Ranking well in the organic search results can provide better targeted traffic with a significant savings. People just tend to trust the organic search engine results because they often have websites that are there to provide information and not always a sales pitch.

Not all sites have identical goals for search optimization. Some sites seek any and all traffic and may be optimized to rank highly for many common search engine keyword phrases. A broad search optimization strategy can work for a website that has broad general interest, such as a periodical or a directory of websites. Overly broad search optimization can hinder marketing strategy by generating a large volume of low-quality inquiries.

In contrast, many webmasters try to optimize their sites for highly specific keywords that would indicate readiness to buy or take some kind of desirable action. Focusing on desirable traffic generates better quality sales leads, resulting in more sales. This is called highly targeted traffic and can be very effective when used as part of a smart niche marketing strategy.

Robert McCulloch does SEO via Web 2.0, Social Bookmarking, Syndication and Automation. - email robertqaz@hotmail.comFrance Blog24237
Fidela Blog66923

Understanding the Magnificent Limited Liability Company

Every once in awhile, government passes a law that makes you smile. The creation of the limited liability company constituted just such an act.

Understanding the Magnificent Limited Liability Company

There are two primary ways something becomes law. The first is for a legislative body to pass an act that creates or regulates some action by individuals or businesses. The second occurs when a court looks at the actions of the legislative branches and modifies or clarifies the acts pursuant to constitutional issues. In the case of the limited liability company, the act was pure legislative genius.

In 1977, the legislature for the State of Wyoming took a novel step. For the first time in a very long while, it created a new business entity. The goal was to create a business entity for small businesses that provided the protection of a corporation without much for the record keeping. Up to that time, there really wasnt any such beast. As an aside, this new entity would bring in needed revenues in the form of filing fees to Wyoming, but it was a small price to pay for most small business. With the signature of the then governor, the limited liability company came into existence.

Given the current number of LLCs you see, one might think the entity was an immediate hit with small businesses. It was not. There were two reasons. First, only small businesses in Wyoming could use it since no other state had passed a law allowing for their use in the other 49 states. Moreover, the IRS could not figure out how to treat the business entity for tax purposes. Under Wyoming law, the entity was supposed to provide the shield from liability of a corporation, but be taxed as a partnership. In 1988, the IRS finally issued a quasi-guideline indicating that the entity would be taxed as a partnership if so elected by the owner and the LLC gained new popularity. Thereafter, states started enacting legislation for their own LLCs at a mad rate and the business came to be.

The primary benefits of an LLC are two fold. As mentioned previously, the business provides a shield between business debts and a members personal assets. In an LLC, a shareholder is known as a member. The second benefit is the LLC is taxed like a partnership, which means it is a fairly simple filing wherein the finances of the business are passed through to the personal tax returns of the individual members relative to their percentage of ownership. In legal terms, the entity was very attractive.

As things have moved forward, the LLC has proven to be a useful and popular tool for most small businesses. For once, a legislative body passed a law that seems to have had no negative repercussions!

Gerard Simington is with - a free online attorney directory.Vivian Blog72969
Evita Blog50269

Affiliate Networks - Basic Review and Revenue Tips

If you are a web master, then finding the right clients for your advertising inventory can be a major challenge for you. There are several unscrupulous merchants who are running various affiliate networks and advertising agencies on the Internet. Forums for web masters or website owners are filled with complaints of affiliates about problems related to payments and questionable business practices of some the providers of affiliate programs.

Signing up for an affiliate network is an easy way to add multiple streams of revenue to your website.

You need to be very careful while choosing any affiliate network because one mistake can result in a loss of thousands of dollars in advertising revenue. You should spend ample time in tracking down and testing the best advertising agencies and affiliate networks.

Try to find an affiliate network that can offer you flexibility, features, range, the required support and promptness in payment. There are several affiliate networks like RoiRocket that can make the generation of cash from your website easy for you. All you need to do is to sign up and add a snippet of the code where you would like your ads to appear and RoiRocket does the rest for you.

The best affiliate networks will contain offers for many different niches. To implement affiliate offers from affiliate network companies, you just need to specify your preferences and the offers you would like to run - the JavaScript or html is then generated, which you need to copy and paste onto your page source code where you would like the ad to be displayed. The same JavaScript code can be used on any of your websites.

FastClick Ad Network, Offers Quest, and ClickBank are some of the other reliable affiliate networks that you could try. Affiliate networks are becoming very popular, for instance, ClickBank is popular because it provides statistics regarding each product using their service in detail. This enables the affiliates to identify the profitable options, although the only disadvantage is that the best products will have to face a lot of competition.

Review and revenue tips of various affiliate networks can be found on the Internet. For instance, Google AdSense can generate revenue by the display of ads that are relevant to the content on the site. You will receive a percentage of the amount that is paid by the advertisers of a particular ad. Google does not state the percentage, but it appears to be a generous share although it keeps varying. There are no limits to how much revenue you can earn because many people are generating 5 figure monthly checks by using AdSense.

There are several factors on which the generation of revenue depends:

1. Number of pages that are viewed per day
2. The topic of the content
3. Price that is paid by the advertiser for every link
4. Number of people clicking on the ads

When deciding to join an affiliate network it is important to choose one that has been long standing - not a fly by night company - you are much more likely to get paid.

Mal KeenanVikkie Blog94571
Fayina Blog94063

Affiliate Marketing: Making Money Finding Clients!

As a business owner, Bill had a good thing happening. He was able to run his store and run it well. He had customers that would even come from quite a ways away because they liked the products and the services that he provided. But, since he was only one person, he didn't want to really expand with other stores. He liked being able to go home to his family and not worry about a lot of other employees.

Yet, it would be nice to be able to get his product to others, wouldn't it? Bill knew he would have more customers if he could get his business online and then promote it. But, he knew nothing of how to do that. The last thing that he wanted to do was spend money advertising his company only to not make anything off of it.

Bill wanted to be able to retire one day and give his children the ability to have a business that was already stable so he decided to try his hand at developing a website. With a little help from his son, he learned that there were people out there that would work for him to promote his website. All he had to do was to hire them and only pay them when people came to the site to buy a product.

These affiliate marketers did all of the work for him. They brought people to his website where his products did all of the talking. And, he paid them for bringing the customers. Soon, they came back on their own and his business grew well beyond his hopes.

Fred was one of the affiliate marketers that worked with Bill. He created a website that was geared at promoting Bill's and made a good amount of income off of just this one site. He brought the customers and Bill paid him to do so.

Affiliate marketing is one of the most sought after types of internet marketing. For those that are looking to get in, the process is simple. Advertise for a company and bring clients to them. If it is just that simple, though, more people would be after this highly profitable game. In affiliate marketing of any type, there is some work that needs to be done to make it successful. For that reason, understanding just what affiliate marketing is and how it works is how you'll know if this is the right place for you to be in.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

The job of an individual in this business is to promote web businesses like Bill's. The affiliate marketer is then rewarded for every visitor that is brought to the site because of what he did to promote it. You may be promoting for subscribers for services. You may be promoting for customers who will make purchases. Or, you may be compensated just for having the individuals make it to the right web page. In any case, affiliate marketing is set up to be that of a finder's fee situation because you are bringing new businesses to the client.

Some terms to know:

Affiliate: An affiliate is an individual that is affiliated with a company to help promote the company.

Marketing: Is the act of promoting a website or product.

Affiliate marketing: Promoting of a website, product or service through affiliates as opposed to paying for and placing the advertising yourself.

Affiliate marketer: An individual that does the marketing for the company.

Compensation for affiliate marketing ranges in how it is provided. There are three main types of payment structures available.

a. Pay Per Lead: In this scenario, the affiliate marketer is paid based on the individuals that they get to register or subscribe to the site's product or service.
b. Pay Per Click: In this method of compensation, the company will determine a set rate to pay based on each time that a new client visits the website.
c. Pay Per Sale: In this case, the affiliate marketer will be paid based on the amount of sales made from the purchase of a client that is attracted to the website. This is a commission based program.

The Benefits

From the aspect of being the affiliate marketer, you can make money virtually anytime of the day and night when your sales medium works. Whatever you do to make sure that the clients click through to the buyer's website, you'll be able to be compensated for that. Another benefit is the fact that there are many affiliate programs out there being run. Bill's small business is nothing compared to the larger companies out there. One of the largest that runs its own affiliate program is that of

On the other hand, businesses like to use these set ups and are willing to provide the opportunity because nothing is paid for until it is realized. They pay only when you give them the results of clients to the site. Bill liked this, of course, because he knew he wasn't wasting his advertising dollars.

The Cons Of Affiliate Marketing

Like any other money making opportunity, it is important for you to understand that you may need to invest. Often, the affiliate marketer will need to invest in a website to attract visitors to and in advertising and marketing. For some individuals, the plan is to develop one website that is a launching pad for several affiliate marketing campaigns.

For example, if the affiliate marketer wishes to tap into the world of credit card affiliate programs, he or she will design a website that provides key information about credit cards. They will be able to link the website to the official websites of the credit card companies. By luring customers in with quality information on credit cards, the potential customer will click on the banner ads or links provided to take them to the official site to sign up.

But, affiliate marketing is not that simple. You will need to invest in providing good quality information. You will need to furnish your content yourself or hire a professional. Then, you'll need to get customers to your site. To do this, some affiliate marketers use search engine optimization and article directories while others pay to have their website listed as an advertiser on search pages.

Is There Money Out There?

It may seem that you are putting quite a bit of money into this business, but in fact, affiliate marketing can be a good way to make decent money. The amount can range from just a few dollars to quite a bit. It all comes from the knowledge that you have or obtain and the work and dedication you put into the task. Affiliate marketing has the potential to make a decent income. You help Bill and he pays you to do so. Both win in the game of affiliate marketing.

Keith Lee is a motivational speaker, a life coach and a fitness instructor for the past 10 yeras. He study and did research on the Internet Marketing Industry for years. Go to his webiste for some superb tips.Vanessa Blog46343
Filide Blog76677

Why Do Outdoor Advertising?

Outdoor advertising actually encompasses a number of different marketing approaches and can vary a great deal, which is beneficial for companies since they can then go with whatever approach or method would be more effective for them, individually. Not all companies are able to get the maximum exposure that they need when it comes to different types of outdoor advertising. As a result, it can sometimes be difficult for these companies to come to a conclusion as to why they should invest in outdoor advertising and make that type of trial and error maneuver. The fact is, outdoor advertising in virtually any capacity is influential on many people because of the way in which individuals are exposed to the marketing campaign. There are so many different types of outdoor advertising that can be used and many companies will have no problem finding which method works best for them.

Exposure is the number one reason as to why people should consider outdoor advertising for their professional or personal needs. We see all the time cars in traffic that are for sale by the owner, complete with a sign saying the vehicle is for sale and the contact information for interested parties. As cars interact with each other, we see the powerful effects of outdoor advertising. So many more people are exposed to outdoor advertising as opposed to other methods, such as advertising in a newspaper which is an approach only beneficial to those that read the newspaper. Compared to those that regularly read the newspaper, including the ads, more people are exposed to outdoor advertising.

Another reason that individuals would benefit from considering outdoor advertising is because of the fact that these are the approaches in which the individual will be able to have more diversity when it comes to the different specific methods of marketing. Car advertising or mobile marketing, billboard, bumper stickers and signs are all different forms of outdoor advertising that people are exposed to over time. Outdoor advertising is literally everywhere we look outside in the world today and because of the different methods it is easier for companies or individuals to find the approach that works most successfully, as a result of the individual needs, desires and marketing investment cap which have been put into place. Thanks to outdoor advertising, companies, products, services and ideas can all be revealed to individuals that may have otherwise not been able to learn about the different centerpieces of the products of outdoor advertising attempts.

SignZoo's award winning signs and auto wraps, and national network of certified installers installs your auto wrap at your convenience. Our in-house creative team will create custom banners that gets you noticed.Vinny Blog69320
Fay Blog62409

What Is So Different About The Berry Tree?

The Berry Tree offers a new and unique form of marketing, with a patent pending system that enables you to participate in a business where your advertising is included and managed by world-class marketers. Unlike typical Internet or Network Marketing, where the only way to make money is to sell products or sponsor people, The Berry Tree's fully automated system handles the sales and prospecting for you.

The Berry Tree is one of the most hands off opportunities ever put together. Passive members can just pay their memberships and then watch their business grow.

How is this possible? The creators have set up a system that guarantees success by doing the advertising for their members. So, if you join and do not quit you will have the opportunity to share on the money earned by every member, even those that joined before you!

This system is so unique that it is actually patent pending. It may just revolutionize the network marketing industry. How many programs do you know of that can provide an additional revenue stream without additional work?

Your membership includes corporate managed advertising which is used to bring in new members and customers. They buy in bulk and work with some of the top ad agencies in the world to get more of every dollar.

Even though you do not have to actually do anything to build your Berry business there are two ways to make more money, faster:

1. The advertising that is included in all memberships builds your business.

This guaranteed advertising brings in new members that are distributed evenly all through the existing members downline. New members are placed under existing members depending on their enrollment date. Since your membership actually includes advertising to help build your business your success does not depend on your marketing experience only.

The more members that join, the more advertising dollars there are to grow your business.

2. Advertise on your own to build your Berry business.

If you would like to make more money, faster you can also sponsor others. This will allow you to get into profit faster and you also get to earn on everyone in the program. Even those who joined before you!

There is no other program like this one.

* You will be placed in the highest position based on enroll date.

* Your branches are filled by the company and members who joined before you.

* You automatically get multiple profit centers.

* You have the ability to earn on EVERYONE in the company.

* You have the option of a Powerline Income with the Passive Income Bonus.

* The Sr. Certificate gives enables you to earn at a higher level than you have achieved.

Another unique feature of the program is that as your business grows and you move up you can participate in Bonus Pools. What this means is that you can begin to earn extra money on all the Berry Tree members, no matter who sponsored them or when they joined.

There are six ways to earn:

1. The Tree will be Filled by enroll date.

2. Multiple Profit Centers - Automatically allows you to double or triple your check!

3. Fast Start Bonus. Earn $27.00 on personal referrals.

4. Leadership Bonuses. Allows you to earn on every member in the company.

5. Passive Income Bonus. Even more ways to earn.

6. Customer Orders. Earn 30% on Customers.

The Berry Tree may just be the program you are looking for, especially if you do not like to personally refer others.

They are currently in the pre launch phase so now is the time to get in on this great opportunity.

It is unlike anything found on the internet today.

The higher positions are the most valuable due to the way the members will be placed from the guaranteed advertising.

So take action now and start your online business today!

Copyright 2007 Joe Rispoli

Joe Rispoli has been involved with Network Marketing for over 10 years. Get the absolute best postion available in the BerryTree right now, right here: http://www.TheBerryTreeTour.comValerye Blog36931
Vanda Blog79822

How To Exceed Your Borrower's Expectations.

Step 1: Build Rapport

Anyone can take an application and price up a loan. Take the time to get to know your borrower. Find out what challenges they're facing and what their goals are.

Question them about their interests. Everyone has a hot button. Some people like to discuss sports, others money, and still others are family oriented. Find your borrower's hot button, be genuinely interested, and they'll look forward to speaking to you.

Step 2: Be a Consultant.

Take the time to coach your borrowers to ensure they get the best deal available.

Think of yourself as a manager of your borrower's debt in the same way a financial consultant advises their clients about their assets. Important questions to ask may include current and future financial challenges and/or goals.

For example: Do they have kids that plan to go to school? Do they have a plan to get out of debt? Do they have retirement plan in place?

Another great technique is to review your borrower's credit with them. An increase of 20 points on their credit report can save your borrowers over $100,000.00 on a 30 year loan. Your borrowers will appreciate and remember the extra effort.

A great site for FREE credit repair tips is

Step 3: Keep your borrower informed.

Borrowers can't stand not knowing what's going on with their loan. They begin to think you've forgotten about them. Make an effort to at least send them a daily email with their current status. It's easy if you knock it out first thing each morning.

Step 4: Send a Thank You card.

For most people, their home is their largest investment. They trusted you with their livelihood. Show your appreciation with a handwritten thank you card. I guarantee referrals will follow.

Step 5: Stay in touch.

No one wants to be cast aside. Keep your name in front of your borrowers with a newsletter. They'll stay abreast of mortgage news, get the impression that you're thinking of them, and they'll get other helpful tips as well.

I recommend They have low minimum orders, come in full color, and you can include your picture or logo.

For more mortgage marketing tips go to

Brian Diez Fayre Blog49044
Ertha Blog35535

What Are the Ultimate Home-Based Business Tax Advantages?

One of the great things about starting a business from home is the tremendous tax advantage they provide. Just think, when April comes around again, you will be rejoicing instead of crying! So, let's see exactly what the tax advantages are for your home based business.

First of all, in any home business you have tremendous more tax advantages than if you were self-employed. These advantages really become huge when you consider how you can improve the profitability of your home business by declaring all of the deductions you are entitled to. Never forget to claim all of the necessary deductions. If you have difficulty figuring it out, go to a CPA.

You will also need to itemize your deductions for your home business operation on a separate schedule just as you would for your personal deductions. Knowing which deductions you are entitled to can save your home business hundreds of dollars a year. Isn't this great news? Just the tax advantages make starting a home-based business makes it worth it.

Here is some background information on how your income tax amount is arrived at by the IRS.

The U.S. taxation code states that almost all income is subject to federal income tax. How can you, the guru of your home-based business, arrive at the final amount of income tax? Here's how:

Gross Income - (All Expenses + Miscellaneous Deductions + Depreciation on Assets) = Taxable Income.

Taxable Income X (Your Tax Rate) = Income tax for the fiscal year.

Here is a quick definition of the terms in the above taxation equation:

Gross Income = The total of all income for the year after the cost of the inventory has been paid for. Make sure you leave nothing out.

Expenses = All costs of doing business during the fiscal tax year. Examples include payroll, materials, supplies and interest on business loans, etc. To find out if an expense qualifies as a legitimate business expense, consult your CPA. You can also call your local small business bureau, or even the IRS.

Depreciation = This is the way of spreading out the deductibility of an asset over a period of more than one year.

The IRS has certain different depreciation schedules for different business property. This is done for assets like real estate, equipment and other assets with a long economic life. This method of taxation write-off has certain advantages. Be sure to talk to your accountant regarding proper depreciation rules. These rules are subject to change by the Congress and the IRS.

Miscellaneous Deductions:

This is an often misunderstood and overlooked way to save a lot of money on taxes. Remember that these types of expenses must be totaled up and declared on a separate schedule of your income tax forms.

Always track your expenses and be sure to save at least one copy of every deduction. You will be asked for proof of every transaction that is declared as a deduction if the IRS audits you! Never make the mistake of not keeping records of yAlso, save them for 7 years.

Here is a list of some of the things you can deduct from your income taxes:

Business related expenses include:

1. Air fares
2. Auto expenses
3. Books and Magazines
4. Educational Expenses
5. Home Office Space* + a portion of utilities, telephone, and maintenance costs
6. Office Furniture
7. Cleaning Expenses
8. Meals with Business Clients
9. Laundry Expenses (When Traveling)
10. Advertising
11. Impairment-related Expenses
12. Licenses and Regulatory Fees

* If you own your home you must use the IRS depreciation rules to determine this deduction. If you rent you may also deduct a portion of your rent.

Check IRS Publication 535 to find out if you can deduct any or all of the above.

As you can see there are numerous deductions that are allowable for your home-based business. The best way to get more information on tax deductions and related information on income taxes is to go online to There you will find a helpful search engine containing thousands of government publications that you can research and print out if you need to.

Now you have a good idea of the deductions you are entitled to take. So do your research, keep track of your expenses and take all of the deductions you can for maximum profit every year. April will never be a time again for weeping and gnashing of teeth!

Copyright 2006 Monique Hawkins

Monique Hawkins is the small business owner of the online music box store, "Monique's Music Box" located at She enjoys sharing information with business owners that will help them attain success. For additional exciting information about how Funded Sponsoring Franchise Systems are Revolutionizing the Home Based Business Industry, Whether You Have a Business or You're Looking for One, visit http://moniquerh.payitforward4profits.comFloris Blog42643
Felice Blog87720

Stay At Home Business And Skill Sets

There are many different types of stay at home businesses that appeal to people from all walks of life. They include everything from child care to hobbies that grow into a business to online internet related businesses. Selecting the right opportunity is a matter of matching skills and interest to find the right stay at home business. In this article we will examine skill evaluation and skill learning that you may need to be successful.

If you are considering setting up a stay at home business, there are many issues to concern yourself with. These can include space to work, business plan, marketing, sales, production and funding for your home business. One of the critical elements that must be considered among all of the above is whether your business will have the skills that are needed to make your stay at home business successful.

Evaluating your companies skills requirements is a first step. Consider all of your needs, including legal, accounting, purchasing, production, sales and marketing and any other special needs that may be unique to your business. For example if you are planning to do internet marketing, you may want to either hire a specialist in this area or take the time to increase your own skill level.

Once you have a full inventory of the skills you will need for your stay at home business, the next step is to determine how you will meet these needs and when you will need them. For example, if you are planning to incorporate, you will need a lawyer to fill this skills gap, while a sales and marketing skill set may not be required for some time until you have something to sell. You may also plan to fill some of these gaps yourself, however careful consideration is required. Many businesses have failed because the founder thought they could do it all, only to find out too late that they were not as good as they thought in a particular area.

Next, once you have decided what and when you need the various skill sets, decide how you will fill them. Any that you plan to do yourself may require training in a formal or informal manner. Don't delay this aspect. Many mistakes and inefficient use of time can be avoided if you acquire the proper training and skill sets. If your business requires heavy use of computer skills for Internet related activities, take a combination of online courses or teach yourself, but take the time to learn these things. It may mean the difference between a successful stay at home business and one that is not.

Elias Georgi is an experienced and successful sponsor, mentor and coach for many thriving, tested and proven home businesses. Elias offers proven Internet opportunities and strategies. Visit his Website: , he also runs the article directory.Vera Blog4149
Van Blog74381

Internet Marketing For Online Business

Internet marketing for your online business can be confusing, especially if you are not familiar with all of the different aspects of website marketing. This is why it can sometimes be hard to determine exactly which marketing method to use.

Many business owners are afraid to choose a marketing strategy because they fear it will not pay off. Others don't care and are willing to try virtually anything. No matter which category you fall into, you will have to eventually make a choice. Every online business needs to advertise in some way if they want to compete. At some point, you will have to take a chance. It is only after you have developed and implemented a website marketing strategy that you will truly be able to determine whether or not it was a success.

Though there are many different website marketing techniques, there is really only one way to judge the success of your online campaign. Follow-up. If you never follow-up on your marketing decisions, it will be impossible for you to determine whether or not you should continue with a specific website marketing strategy.

See, a website marketing campaign is just like any other marketing campaign. Once it is over, the results need to be analyzed and measured. Follow-up is especially important when it comes to Internet marketing for online business, because there are so many methods of advertising. By tracking your results, you can determine which methods of website marketing were effective and which methods were not. You can then adjust your methods accordingly.

If you have never tracked your website traffic or the results of a website marketing campaign, it may be hard to determine where to start. However, you shouldn't become frustrated and give up too soon. Results tracking is very important if you want to make sure you're not throwing your advertising money out the window.

The easiest way to track your site visitors is by viewing your website's logs. These logs are a record of your site visitors and can help you determine where the traffic on your website came from. By viewing these logs, you will know whether or not the visitors were a direct result of the website marketing campaign.

Just about every web hosting company provides this service to their customers. If your web host does not allow you access to these logs or if they will not send you weblog reports, you may want to consider switching web hosts.

If switching hosts is not a viable option, you can also purchase one of many software programs that are specifically designed to help you track and analyze your website marketing efforts.

Results tracking is an essential part of Internet marketing for online business. Without it, you will have a very hard time figuring out exactly how effective your website marketing campaign is. You would never know how a website visitor found your site and you would never know which advertising strategies were failures.

Effective Internet marketing for online business brings traffic to your website and then converts that traffic into paying customers. When you can accomplish this conversion on a regular basis, you will know that your website marketing strategy is truly a success.

Comprehensive Internet marketing for online business is more than just launching a campaign. You must also take an active role in market research, strategy development, campaign design, risk management, and quality control. Then, by carefully monitoring and measuring the results of your website marketing efforts, you can

Cliff Posey, owner of CRP Marketing, owns and operates Cliff Posey has also operated several other successful web businesses including Love Song Cards and Radio Career Consultants. The content in this article was developed from his experience in these businesses.Fawne Blog1380
Valina Blog84766
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