Thursday, January 24, 2008


Is It Really A Scam

Everyone is trying to make money on line these days and it shocks me to see how much the word scam is used. Oh sure there are a lot of scams out there but not as many as people claim. Personally I think all the scam artists should be caught and shut down. We live in a society of fast money, fast cars, but no effort. In this excerpt I would like to make a claim as to why I think people fail to make money on the internet.

1. First of all if you are gullible to think that you can make 100 000 dollars by the end of the month or add your name to something, sit back and wait and the money will come flooding in then Im sorry to say but you deserve the scam. In your day job can you just sit back, do nothing and earn a pay check? I dont think so. You wouldnt last to the end of the week. I fell for these to.

2. The internet is a great place to make more money than you have ever earned but come on people we have to use common sense. Im sorry but people are so quick to blame everyone else but they refuse to take any of the blame themselves. If you are not willing to put in the effort then you shouldnt be thinking about internet income.

3. At a real job you have to work hard to get to the next rung. On an internet job you have to work hard to get to the next rung. At a real job you have to work hard for pay raises. On line you have to work hard for pay raises. At a real job the rungs run out on the ladder. On line the rungs go on forever. At your day job you have very little control over your income. On line you have almost all the control on how much you make.

4. Internet work has been given a bad rap. Ignorance is not an excuse. We have to make our own decisions. Millions and millions of people are making money on line because they decided it was time to take their lives into their own hands.

I too was scammed many times but I dont blame anyone but myself. There are so many good sites out there but we have to be willing to do the work. I know lots of people out there that make a great living working on the internet. However they dont let up. When they are working they are working 14 hours a day to keep their programs running. Eventually once your established you can cut back and enjoy life some more. So for those of you who think youre going to sign up to something and be rich overnight then maybe you should think twice. Working on line isnt a lottery ticket. There is no doubt that the results can be a lot like a lottery ticket but you will have to wait a bit. So I want people to think before they say scam. I want you to look at yourself first. Did you really put in the effort or is this the easy way to justify to your friends and family why you failed.

Thanks Dale

Dale Mazurek is a professional affiliate marketer who has come from getting scammed throughout the years to becoming very successful at what he does. You can see his program at He has also started two interactive blogs that can be viewed at or Blog32697
Esmeralda Blog59115
Besucherza sexsearch